From October 12th to 14th, with 2 tracks in English and one in French. Keynotes and talks listed here.
State of the Plone Community
By: Érico Andrei
The Plone CMS is one of the oldest, and most successful open source software stories, and its success is driven by a healthy and diverse worldwide community.
Érico Andrei will discuss how a (mostly) online community uses sprints, conferences and other events as a powerful tool to onboard new members, steer the software development and reinvent itself, always with the support of the Plone Foundation.

No ICT without mineral extraction
By: Johan Yans — Olivier Vergeynst
Mining/extraction of mineral resources (for ICT and other usages) logically involves geological, technological and engineering concerns. However, it also deals with numerous other essential aspects, although less discussed by medias/citizen/experts, such as economy (“circular economy”), sociology (“social acceptability” or “perception of mining by the citizen”), ethics (“artisanal mining”), geopolitics (“strategic/critical commodities”, “national strategies”), environment (“waste”, “post-mining”), teaching (including popularization), land management (zones dedicated to extraction), philosophy (“needs” of ICT for Humans), history (current impacts of former supplies), law (how to legislate/regulate?)…
With his experience in various countries/projects, Johan Yans will expose some of these aspects, with a particular focus on the supply of geological resources for ICT needs. Olivier Vergeynst will then introduce the basics of Sustainable IT, highlighting some best practices to start reducing your impact as ICT professional or as simple user of digital devices and services.

Embedding BPMN-driven business processes into Plone
By: Asko Soukka
Plone is known for its simple but powerful state based content workflows. Unfortunately, they fall short of being able to manage non-trivial business processes. This talks introduces you to BPMN: an OMG standard graphical representation for specifying business processes in an executable business process model. And to Camunda Platform 7, a customizable open source process engine. This talk presents a developed Plone 6 Classic add-on, collective.bpmproxy, which makes it possible to publish Camunda Platfom 7 managed processes as Plone content, and interact with the processes directly from Plone.

Extending the Ansible Playbook for Training
By: Brian Davis
As a student at Érico Andrei’s training "Volto and Plone Deployments” during last year’s Plone Conference, I wondered if training-deploy-project could be automated even further: Upon exploring the Ansible implementation, I created a new branch that automates installation of prerequisites and adds an option for remote deployment of Docker containers:
This session includes a walk-through of the Ansible code including 3 new menu options and 4 new roles. But why stop there? Let’s renew discussion about the and organize a sprint to update the playbook for Plone 6.

New Plone Use Cases at University of Jyväskylä
By: Rikupekka Oksanen
I will talk about recent services that we have built or updated on Plone 6 or Plone 5 this year at University of Jyväskylä , Finland.
I will highlight these use cases, and more:
- Student Compass - a multilingual student wellbeing service with lots of content, customised content types and a need for good security
- Through the web editable form based workflows - power and flexibility for content editors
- Simple Plone 6 websites with light customization
- Using Plone 6 as backend for a mobile app content
- ILPO - registration portal built on Plone 6. Fast, accessible and with lots of integrations.
I will talk about the building process and what benefits Plone gives in each case. Not always there is need for actual programming, Plone can be considered as a low-code platform too.

Plone 6 as part of video capability
By: Jussi Talaskivi
Presentation of video platform modernization effort in University of Jyväskylä where Plone is a vital part of the solution and why it is technologically good fit for the purpose.

The Plone Newsroom - Live
By: Philip Bauer — Fred Van Dijk
For the very first live episode of the Podcast The Plone Newsroom the hosts Philip and Fred leave the safety of their home lairs and chat about what's new in the world of Plone in front of a live audience. Expect moderate levels of audience participation.